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A Brilliant Young Mind

A Brilliant Young Mind

A Brilliant Young Mind follows the story of a young boy named Nathan. At a young age it was known that he was different, and was eventually diagnosed with autism, which takes many forms depending on where you are on the spectrum.

Ways Nathan exhibited his form of Autism:

  • Nathan lost his dad when they were in a car accident together. This caused Nathan to be fearful of driving in a car and because of this accident Nathan wouldn’t sit in the front seat.

  • Nathan required a very strict schedule, and if something interrupted that schedule he would act out. This is common among those stricken with autism as even the smallest change can cause confusion and unease.

  • Whenever his mom would get him food, the order number on the menu had to be a prime number and the amount of food had to be a prime number. If it wasn’t he would immediately know it wasn’t and would refuse to eat it.


Like many who are autistic Nathan had some very special gifts which allowed him to excel in math. An unconventional teacher, Mr. Humphrey’s, taught Nathan. Mr. Humphrey’s instantly noticed how intelligent Nathan really was. Humphreys did what needed to be done, and focused on this skill and encouraged Nathan to excel. Because of the teacher’s efforts and Nathan’s talents, he was able to earn a spot on the UK team at the International Mathematics Olympiad. This was when Nathan started understanding the ability he had and the beginning of even bigger things. This was the first time Nathan was among his peers and it allowed him to compete against the best of the best.

The Change

This also ushered in a dramatic change in Nathan’s life. For the first time ever he would be leaving the security of his mother, and the routine he relied on. But Nathan showed that even those who are autistic can learn to adapt and overcome. So, despite entering into this unknown environment he was able to succeed and grow. During the practice sessions for the Olympiad he was able to feel comfortable, and because of that was able to demonstrate his high skill level.

The idea of a relationship was totally foreign to Nathan. He had lived in a very predictable world when he was with his mother, including not needing to share emotions with others. In the trailer we see how Nathan recoils when the girl tries to reach out to him, and is uncomfortable when placed in a situation where someone other than his mother tried to reach out to him. But the trailer also shows a moment when Nathan allows the girl to take his hand and lead him to a place

that he has no idea where they are going. This is huge for Nathan’s development as it shows that he trusted her. Trust is such a key part of anyone’s life but one that Nathan had never experienced outside of his mother. This shows that while Nathan may have been faced with certain limitations he could still experience things that make us human, that make us who we are.

Disability as a Label

While Autism definitely has a part in describing who someone is, Nathan shows the audience that it is only part of whom they are. Autism is a label, with a certain definition that people use to define that person. But Nathan showed that labels are simply that. They do not define who you are or explain what they are capable of. He was able to be independent, self-reliant, extremely intelligent, sensitive, and even more in tune with life than many of us. In some ways autistic people are more aware of their surroundings and view people and life with a different perspective then most. This type of insight is something we should all tap in to. Being able to see things in a clearer and perceptive way is truly a gift that is uncommon, even among the most able bodied people.

So the question remains, why do people think that people with disabilities can’t go on to lead a normal life? That people with disabilities can’t be independent? The answer may be people are just comfortable with labels. It means they do not need to take the time to understand and communicate with those who suffer certain disabilities. While it may be comfortable, it certainly limits our understanding and prevents people like Nathan from receiving the guidance, direction, and help they need in order to not only survive but to excel. Perhaps we should be more like Nathan and remove labels, so we are not blinded from the fact that these are people too, which can add value to society and even teach us more about what it means to be human.

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